Books have a way of adding up, don’t they? Whether it’s the stack on your nightstand or the thrift store shelves that are stuffed with unwanted hardcovers, there are definitely more books than there are concurrent readers. Thankfully, there are a lot of book crafts you can make with the ones you don’t plan on re-reading (or ever reading in the first place).Read more ›
Book Decor with Reader’s Digest Books

For several years, I’ve wanted to upcycle some of the Reader’s Digest books that I often see at the thrifts. The ones from the ’50s and ’60s have these gorgeous patterned covers that are little works of art. So, I finally put a few to good use as book decor by pairing them up with some old photographs.Read more ›
Upcycling Ideas for Old Books and Other Book Crafts

What to do with old books – upcycle or leave alone? It can be a controversial topic (the repurposing of books) and one I’ve grappled with myself. I am a casual collector of vintage books, particularly the ones with crumbling leather binding, and I use them around our home for decorative purposes. But other books are considered less “visually valuable”, so I’m always interested in finding new upcycling ideas for old books.
Making a Halloween Spell Book from an Old Yearbook

There are a LOT of tutorials for a Harry Potter-inspired Halloween Spell Book out there. But, I’ve wanted to create my own versions for a while now. It wasn’t until I found a couple of old yearbooks while thrifting that an idea took root. Their textured leatherette covers and embossed designs REALLY seemed destined to become a Book of Spells or even steampunk books, perfect for Halloween decor!
Fabric Covered Books for Cozy Home Decor

I think it’s high time I create another flannel project, don’t you? The weather is finally feeling like Fall and I am craving all the cozy plaid. And today’s project also has a special twist: All of my project materials came from thrift stores that benefit an animal-based charity! And to get in a cozy frame of mind, I decided to create some fabric covered books with flannel shirts.
Berry Baskets as Bookends and Strawberry Decor

To tell you the truth, I’m not entirely sure why I picked up these berry baskets while thrifting a while back. I didn’t have a project idea in mind and the thrift store had written the price on the side of one of the baskets (the horror!). BUT, I decided they were worth the risk and eventually an upcycling idea came to me: I’d transform them into bookends!Read more ›
Coastal Wall Art from a Thrift Store Book

Vintage books- particularly encyclopedias, field guides, and atlases- have the best graphics and color plates. And as much as I hate removing pages from books, these glorious graphics otherwise stay hidden away. So, when I found this relatively plain collage frame, I decided to transform it into some coastal wall art. With the help of a thrifted nature atlas, as well.Read more ›
Book Necklace from Old Book Pages

Two facts you should know about me: (1) I love old books, and (2) I love miniature ANYTHING. My bibliophile tendencies date way back…in fact, I’m pretty sure it’s a genetic affliction. And now that I think about it, my obsessions with all things dainty is just as genetic. So, why not combine these two loves into some upcycled jewelry in the form of a book necklace?Read more ›
Repurposing Old Jewelry as Ribbon Bookmarks

Unlike most people, I still read regular books (as opposed to the Kindle/Nook route). Hopefully I’m not the last person on Earth reading…brick and mortar(?) books. Which means, I am always in the market for bookmarks so that I don’t dog ear the pages. Anyway, I decided that turning some of broken jewelry into ribbon bookmarks would be fun to do.Read more ›