Books have a way of adding up, don’t they? Whether it’s the stack on your nightstand or the thrift store shelves that are stuffed with unwanted hardcovers, there are definitely more books than there are concurrent readers. Thankfully, there are a lot of book crafts you can make with the ones you don’t plan on re-reading (or ever reading in the first place).Read more ›
Upcycling Ideas for Old Books and Other Book Crafts

What to do with old books – upcycle or leave alone? It can be a controversial topic (the repurposing of books) and one I’ve grappled with myself. I am a casual collector of vintage books, particularly the ones with crumbling leather binding, and I use them around our home for decorative purposes. But other books are considered less “visually valuable”, so I’m always interested in finding new upcycling ideas for old books.