For years, I’d heard about a cleaning “hack” for vintage brass that didn’t seem possible. But I was finally able to give it a try when I found this brass cauldron at Goodwill. I wanted to upcycle it into a boho candle holder by polishing it up and adding a little pizazz to the handles- without a drop of paint in sight.Read more ›
Boho Bookends as Botanical Home Decor

A pair of plain wooden bookends at the thrift store is ALWAYS going to catch my eye. I mean, a plain wooden ANYTHING will do the same- let’s be honest. But this pair grabbed my attention recently and today I’m transforming them into boho bookends with some botanical flair.Read more ›
Outdoor Serving Tray with Boho Summer Style

When it comes to thrifting, I’m usually like a heat-seeking missile when it comes to anything made of wood. But that means that I sometimes miss out on other upcycling opportunities. And when I spotted a ton of silverplate pieces while at Habitat ReStore recently, I decided to grab something from the pile. We’d recently acquired a new patio set from a friend of mine and I thought I could make an outdoor serving tray to use with it.Read more ›
Boho Pillow Covers from Upcycled Sweaters

If you read my book, “Crafting with Flannel”, then you know that I recommend thrifting for flannels during the warmer weather months. Well, the same goes for other cozy clothing, including sweaters! And after finding some colorful, patterned sweaters at Goodwill, I decided to make some Boho pillow covers with them.Read more ›
Modern Halloween Decor from a Plastic Pumpkin Bucket

Plastic pumpkin buckets are a common sight at thrift stores during the Fall, aren’t they? And when they’re not loaded with candy, they’re loaded with upcycling possibilities. So, I decided to give one a makeover for my latest project for the Charlotte Region ReStore blog. I wanted to create some modern Halloween decor that was neither cutesy nor spooky.Read more ›
Faking a Cloisonne Vase

Florist vases are a staple at most thrift stores, aren’t they? On one of my thrifting excursions (many, many months ago), I came across a shelf that was exploding with them. And for whatever reason, I started wondering if they could be painted to look like a Cloisonne vase.
Upcycling Projects and Ideas for Bohemian Style Decor

It seems as if the current trend of Bohemian style decor is a direct result of backlash against farmhouse decor. Whereas farmhouse style decor is very neutral at its core, boho decor is vivid in color. And it has a “more is more”, maximalist mentality. The only decor theme my home has is “secondhand” versus an actual decorating style. But I find myself frequently drawn towards the colorful playfulness of Bohemian decor.Read more ›
Basket Wall Decor with Bohemian Design

A quick perusal on Pinterest (and DEFINITELY on Instagram) will show you just how popular Boho decor still is. And more specifically, that basket wall decor is a pretty common theme in Bohemian design. So, of course, I wanted to get in on the fun with a thrifted version that had some Sadie style flair.
Boho Christmas Tree from a Bamboo Wine Rack

While on a trip to visit family in Florida, we OF COURSE swung by a couple of thrift stores. I spotted this bamboo wine rack right away. It was begging to become a Boho Christmas tree in my mind, mostly because bamboo and rattan is so popular in Boho decor. Either way, I couldn’t wait to transform it into retro Christmas decor!
Terracotta Jack-o-Lantern for a Boho Halloween

Earlier this year as I worked on my Thrift the Look: Boho Decor blog post, I thrifted and collected a bunch of terracotta pots. I’m not much of a gardener, indoors or outdoors,so the clay pots went back into the garage when I was done. But as October drew closer, I started to wonder how one would look as a terracotta jack-o-lantern.Read more ›