We have a lot of birds that frequent our yard. We offer multiple bird feeders, bird baths, and bird houses (many of which are upcycling projects of mine), and I wanted to make a new one for them. Bird nesting material is something I wanted to make plentiful for them, and I had an idea of just how to do it.Read more ›
Suet Feeder in a Coffee Mug

I love to feed the wild birds in my yard all year long, especially during the cold winter months. So I decided to make a suet feeder that would keep them fat, happy, and healthy through the cold winter. And to keep it extra interesting (and very Sadie-esque), I decided to try my hand at making homemade bird suet that I would pour in a coffee mug.
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DIY Projects for Backyard Birds

If you build it, they will come: true for baseball movies and true for backyard birds! Because if you have feeders, houses, and water sources, birds will definitely make their way to your yard. Here are a few DIY ideas to get you started.Read more ›
How to Designate Your Yard as Certified Wildlife Habitat

As an animal lover and biologist (on paper), it’s no surprise that our yard is very wildlife-friendly. Not only do I love to watch the birds and other critters, but our indoor cats do, as well. Many of my upcycling projects were made specifically for backyard habitat, including feeders, baths, and houses. I learned about designating one’s yard as Certified Wildlife Habitat many years ago, but wasn’t sure how well-known that program was.Read more ›
Wren Birdhouse from a Wooden Tissue Box

This wooden tissue box was one of the last things I snapped up at a favorite thrift store before it closed. It was sturdy and well-made, but I didn’t have a project idea right away. After a while, though, I wondered if I could tweak it and use it as a wren birdhouse for the backyard.Read more ›
Log Cabin Birdhouse from a Vintage Coin Bank

It’s been a while since I created a bird project for our yard. So, I decided to combine this year’s Log Cabin theme with an outdoors project. Since we always have nesting wrens and chickadees at our house, I had a log cabin birdhouse idea that I just couldn’t shake.Read more ›
Platform Bird Feeder from Repurposed Pot Lids

On a trip to Nashville, TN, I squeezed in a little time to check out the local thrift stores on my way into town. I happened upon a Goodwill in Lebanon, TN where I found a mismatched pair of pot lids. I loved the colors and the metal was in good shape, so I bought them both to build a platform bird feeder for my backyard.
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30+ DIY Ideas for an Upcycled Bird Bath and an Upcycled Bird Feeder

Ever since we moved into our house, I’ve been mildly obsessed with making our yard as bird-friendly as possible. I love having a yard full of chirping birds and I geek out when a new species is spotted. So, it’s no surprise that I love any and all bird craft ideas for an upcycled bird feeder or an upcycled bird bath.
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DIY Suncatchers from Vintage Scarves

Back when I made my Aromatherapy Eye Pillows from vintage scarves, I had mentioned that my good friend, Kate DiNatale Vintage, had given me a bag of vintage scarves that she couldn’t sell. As I pawed through them, I noticed that some of them reminded me of faux stained glass. So, I decided to upcycle them into DIY suncatchers for windows that I hoped would stop birds from flying into our windows.Read more ›
DIY Hanging Bird Bath

Once upon a time, we had a hanging bird bath that I absolutely loved. BUT, it was plastic and impossible to clean properly. Needless to say, it didn’t come with us when we moved! Replacing it has been on my upcycling to-do list for quite some time, and I finally set my mind to making a DIY hanging bird bath. And my plan was to use a glass lid from the thrift store.Read more ›