This year has been a doozy, hasn’t it? And here we are, kicking off a holiday season like no other before it. If you’re like me, then the idea of gift shopping is less desirable than years past. And while I still plan on shopping at smaller, local shops (and Etsy), this may be the Year of the Handmade Gift. So, the Thrift Store Decor Team gathered some of our best creative DIY Christmas gifts in case you were looking for inspiration.Read more ›
Bottle Cap Coasters from Tartlet Tins
May 25, 2017 · By · 130 Comments

Last Fall, the Mr. and I were perusing the shelves at a local craft beer store when I spotted a display of bottle cap coasters. I chuckled to myself because I thought it was a cute idea. But, as I walked on by, I had a “Wait a second!” moment. Read more ›