When it comes to thrift stores, there’s no shortage of cookware and bakeware options on the shelves. Pots, pans, lids, and more- there’s always an endless array of items that had once been used in the kitchen. But if you aren’t interested in cooking or baking with them, have no fear- for there are a ton of ways to upcycle those cookie sheets and frying pans. Here are some fantastic repurposed projects to get you thinking outside the box- or, at least outside the kitchen.Read more ›
Weaving in a Circle on a Pizza Pan

Weaving has made QUITE the trendy comeback in the past few years, hasn’t it? I’m always game to try out different craft techniques, but my weaving had been limited to a couple of simple basket projects. That is, until I spotted this perforated pizza pan at the thrift. And I wondered…could I use it for weaving in a circle to create a wall hanging?Read more ›
Plant Starting Tray with a Muffin Pan

Real Life Confession- I love the idea of gardening more than I love actual gardening. Can anyone else relate? BUT. But…I still enjoy having planted herbs around as the weather warms up! So, this year, I’ve decided to do a series of upcycling ideas for an herb garden. And today is Part 1: Repurposing a muffin pan as a seed starting tray or plant starting tray.Read more ›