Mason Jar Crafts

Mason Jar Crafts

Mason jars and all their potential uses have been talked about for ages. Which means this collection of mason jar crafts might not seem all that exciting or original- at first. But, there are still SO many ways to upcycle and craft with them, so perhaps I can surprise you with some fresh new ideas. Besides, you can still thrift them for super cheap and we can all use inexpensive project ideas these days, right?Read more ›

Beach in a Jar

Beach in a Jar

Over the years, I’ve procured several blue ball mason jars, particularly those with air bubbles inside the glass. I’m such a sucker for old aqua jars with their vibrant color and crusty zinc lids. So, I decided to upcycle a few of my own into coastal decor or “Beach in a Jar” with seashells and beach treasures I had collected over the years.
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