Secondhand Slim Down – Losing the First Five Pounds

Secondhand Slim Down – Losing the First Five Pounds

I know it’s been several weeks since I last checked in on my weight loss journey and secondhand slim down. The honest truth? I didn’t have much to report! I haven’t fallen off the gym wagon at all, but progress has been slow. However, I’ve officially lost 5 pounds which seemed like the perfect benchmark to blog about!

Losing the First Five Pounds

Now, in full transparency, I have been grappling with feeling accomplished over this because, well, it’s only 5 pounds. And I’ve been working out consistently (4-5 times/week) for more than two months now. It felt like I should have lost more than that and I started to get down on myself.

Holding 5 lb dumbbells at Crush Fitness in Greenville SC to celebrate losing 5 pounds - by Sadie Seasongoods

But then I thought, what if I bought a jacket from the thrift store and found $5.00 in the pocket? Would I throw it out because it’s “only 5 bucks”? Heck no! I’d be stoked and feel like Lady Luck was smiling down upon me.

So, that’s how I need to think about losing 5 pounds – that it’s a great accomplishment and not a disappointment.

Reminding myself that losing 5 lbs is an accomplishment to be proud of - by Sadie Seasongoods

It’s easy to fall into the trap of feeling dejected about small accomplishments during a weight loss journey. Or worse, comparing our own progress without someone else’s.

One of things I read that snapped me out of my “5 pound funk” was this article on “13 Things That Happen to Your Body After You Lose 5 Pounds“. It was a great lesson and reminder that it’s not all about the scale, because other changes are already happening in my body.

When It Feels Like More than Five Pounds

Speaking of the scale…

I’ve decided that there is such a thing as “Scale Betrayal”. Because while I was in my “5 pound funk”, I was already noticing that my clothes were fitting better, even though the scale hadn’t moved that much!

Scale Betrayal - when the scale doesn't reflect how much your body has changed - by Sadie Seasongoods

Because I’ve been lifting weights (via weight machines or pin machines), I know my body composition is changing. And that’s a very good thing – I want that to happen. But, it means that a regular scale won’t reflect that – which also contributed to my funk.

This article on body composition changes further confirmed my Scale Betrayal suspicions. If you, too, are on a weight loss journey yourself and have been feeling the same way, don’t let it get in your head. Hopefully these articles that I’ve shared will calm any frustrations you have been feeling.

Marching on with More Progress

So, I may not be ready to go thrift store shopping for smaller clothes yet, but I’m getting closer every day. In fact, there are a pair of jeans that I’m just about ready to donate because they’re getting too loose! So, bear with me – I know this is a “secondhand slim down” and there hasn’t been any thrifting involved yet.

I’m still working on improving my eating habits, and have successfully avoided my pitfall foods (as I discussed in a previous weight loss post here). But, as promised in my previous weight loss blog post, I’ve tested out a recipe I found online that I could photograph and share with you.

Because summer is virtually here, I wanted to try a salad with fruit, so I tried out this Blackberry Balsamic Grilled Chicken Salad. It combined some of my favorite things – grilled chicken, berries, balsamic dressing, and goat cheese!

Salad with fruit - blackberry chicken salad using a recipe by ClosetCooking - photo by Sadie Seasongoods

Check out the original recipe for all the ingredients and details. I tweaked it by not frying the goat cheese and using less Dijon mustard in the dressing. I hate mustard as a general rule, but recognize its emulsifying purpose in salad dressings – so I simply cut the mustard quantity in half. Also, I didn’t include red onions and I forgot to buy an avocado!

Forgive my less-than-stellar food photography skills! But, I plan to make another recipe (possibly another salad with fruit!) in my next post, if that would be of interest to you?

Back to this one, though – I LOVED it and even my husband did! He doesn’t love fruit the way I do, but he was mad for this salad dressing – so I’ll be making this again in the future.


Thanks again for reading this new blog series of mine. By doing this, I hope to not only stay accountable and on track, but to bring comfort to anyone else out there who is ashamed of their body or weight-related health. I am not a doctor or medical professional in any capacity, so everything I blog about during my weight loss journey is simply my own opinion and experience. Please consult a medical or health professional before beginning a weight loss program or for medical related questions.

If you want to read all of my weight loss journey blog posts, you can find the full series here. And because I’m not sending my weight loss blog posts to my current subscribers, please let me know if you would like to be added to my separate subscription list.

Keep on keepin’ on,


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PIN ME!Losing the First Five Pounds on my weight loss journey - celebrating the victories - making a salad with fruit - secondhand slim down by Sadie Seasongoods

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Sarah Ramberg is the owner of Sadie Seasongoods, a website that celebrates all things secondhand. From upcycling ideas and thrifted decor to vintage-centric travel itineraries, Sadie Seasongoods is a one-stop shop for anyone who loves thrifting and approachable repurposing ideas. Sarah is also the author of “Crafting with Flannel” and has been featured in numerous media outlets and magazines.


  1. I do better when I keep my portion sizes down. But holiday weekends really mess things up with more carbs than I should, plus an adult beverage or two.

  2. Jennifer Hutcherson says

    Way to go! I’m a firm believer in how you feel and how your clothes fit, versus what the scale says. Keep doing what you are doing, Lady, its working!

  3. Congrats, girl! That first 5lbs is everything! 🙂

  4. Fonda Rush says

    Congratulations on your first 5!

  5. Congrats on the loss! Anytime the scale goes down instead of up is a victory.

  6. Mary-The Boondocks Blog says

    You go girl! Don’t pay attention to the scale. Look at your clothes and most importantly how you feel. That is the real indicator!

  7. Congrats on taking care of your health. We can all do this.

  8. Although you can’t hear me, I am cheering for you on this journey – you’ve got this, girl!!

  9. Hey, girl… How’s it going? I understand that first five pounds, and it can be a bit frustrating when you work so hard. Keep on going, 5 will turn in to ten very soon. Looking forward to a new update very soon!

    • Sadie Seasongoods says

      You are so wonderful for checking in on me! So, I’m right at a 9lb loss, which is AWESOME, but I want the scale to tick over to 10lb for my next blog post! I guess I like even milestones to warrant a new post. It’ll be coming soon, though – probably next week! Thank you again. XOXO

  10. hi, i am just catching up with your earlier post on health……. and YES, it is frustrating on just relying on the scale. As you mentioned getting toned shows up in our clothes sometimes before the scale, so i measure my waist & hips one a week when in toning mode. That way I feel successful when the scale does not show it. Hope this helps. the recipe sounds yummy – thanks for sharing.

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