Wall Mounted Bottle Opener with Cap Catcher

Wall Mounted Bottle Opener with Cap Catcher

One of the reasons we purchased our house was the screened in back porch, which is as big as a bedroom. The yard is lined with cypress trees, so there’s tons of privacy and it’s easy to forget that we live in a regular ole’ neighborhood. We’ve lived here for three years now, and I finally got around to building a wall mounted bottle opener with cap catcher to hang on the back porch.

It’s been on my DIY list for a long time, let me tell you!

But here’s the crazy part- it all started with a wooden recipe box that I found at a thrift store!

Wooden recipe box at a thrift store

I know- you’re probably wondering “what in the world??”. But, yes – it was that recipe card box that ignited this upcycling idea of mine!

My plan? To use the recipe card box as a bottle cap catcher, of sorts. On a wall mounted bottle opener, it would (theoretically) collect the bottle caps, making clean up easy and swift!

To bring my idea to life, I needed a plank of wood (which we had in our garage) and the actual bottle opener hardware.

Building a DIY bottle opener with a cap catcher

For the latter, I went on Etsy and purchased a NOS (new old stock) bottle opener from the 1950s. I wanted a true vintage element in the project, and this was the perfect touch.

Vintage bottle opener for man cave wall decor

Once I had everything I needed to create a wall mounted bottle opener with cap catcher, I was ready to get to work!

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Upcycling a Recipe Card Box into a Cap Catcher

So, here’s where I’m going with this. The wooden recipe box will be mounted upside-down on a wall bottle opener to become a cap catcher.

Recipe card box to be upcycled as a cap catcher for a wall bottle opener

But I was going to have to cut out the bottom of the wooden recipe box first.

Repurposing a wooden recipe box into a cap catcher for a bottle opener

Thankfully, our jigsaw made doing this a breeze.

Cutting out the bottom of a wooden recipe box

Next, we needed to cut the scrap wood into a long plank. A piece long enough to hold the cap catcher (i.e., recipe card box) at the bottom, the bottle opener at the top, with enough room for a standard beer bottle to fit between the two.

Making a bottle opener with cap catcher from a recipe card box

Building a Wall Bottle Opener from a Recipe Card Box

Next, I decided to paint both the recipe card box and the wood board with my favorite chalk-paint spray paint.

Then it was time to test out my bottle cap catcher theory. First, we drilled in a small screw to the front of the box.

Painting a wooden recipe box for a wall bottle opener

Then, we drilled a hole through the hinged top of the recipe box. After that, I threaded a knotted loop of jute twine through.

Upcycling a recipe card box for a DIY bottle opener

Finally, the cap catcher was complete!

Cap catcher with a trap door for a bottle opener

To bring the pieces together, I used wood glue to attach the bottle cap catcher to the plank of plywood. Then, I clamped them together to ensure a good hold and let it sit overnight to set/dry.

Attaching a cap catcher to a bottle opener for a man cave bar

Once the beer bottle opener was finally one piece, I lightly distressed the chalk paint and buffed it with clear wax.

All that was left to do was add the vintage bottle opener to the top and mount the whole thing in our back porch!

Man cave wall decor with a Bottle opener with cap catcher

Wall Bottle Opener with a Cap Catcher

And there it is! A wall bottle opener with a bottle cap catcher that started out as a wooden recipe box.

Bottle opener with cap catcher by upcycling a wooden recipe box

Of course, Jon had to test it out immediately- so he grabbed a beer…

wall mounted bottle opener with cap catcher

And it worked like an absolute charm! Off went the cap, and when I heard it plop into the recipe box, I was overjoyed. It’s the little things, y’all

Bottle cap in a cap catcher on a DIY bottle opener

Unlatching the bottle cap catcher made disposal quick and easy. It’s just like a trap door and a trash can fits right underneath!

Emptying a cap catcher on a wall bottle opener

I’m sure the recipe box’s original owner would be flabbergasted that I repurposed it into a bottle cap catcher for a beer bottle opener!

Thrifters keepers, donators weepers? Either way, who’s coming over for a beer on the porch?

If you enjoyed this upcycling idea for a Father’s Day gift, then you might be interested in these beer coasters I made from mini tart pans!

Beer coasters from tart tins as DIY Fathers Day gifts

Craft on!


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bottle opener with cap catcher

bottle opener with catcher

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Sarah Ramberg is the owner of Sadie Seasongoods, a website that celebrates all things secondhand. From upcycling ideas and thrifted decor to vintage-centric travel itineraries, Sadie Seasongoods is a one-stop shop for anyone who loves thrifting and approachable repurposing ideas. Sarah is also the author of “Crafting with Flannel” and has been featured in numerous media outlets and magazines.


  1. Adorable!

  2. That is as clever as can be! How do you come up with ideas???

  3. How do you come up with these things?! Grrrrrreat idea 😀 Pin, pin, pinning!

  4. You’re the smartest! My “duh”, is where I never would’ve thought to allow the bottom to open for emptying out the caps. DUH.

  5. Clever, you have such a creative touch!

  6. chris aka monkey says

    sarah i am glad you are weird lol, this is so cool and i can’t see you throwing away the caps, you will turn them into a trivet or something ha ha xx

  7. What a great idea! I hate finding bottle caps around.

  8. So cute! You’re so talented.

  9. I love it. I think I’ll make one!

  10. I need one of these for our porch. What a neat idea!

  11. Great idea! I could use one of these outside for when we have cookouts. Maybe I wouldn’t have to pick bottle caps up off the patio, they can open the bottles and let it drop right into the little box.

  12. Love this idea. I have a vintage Coke opener that would work perfectly. Thanks for the inspiration and for sharing this idea at Vintage Charm.

  13. great idea! my favorite part is the box for the caps. usually you just see an opener.

  14. We also have a screen porch and I wanted a bottle opener. I bought a little shelf with an attached box. I hung cup hooks underneath and put a bottle opener on a cord so it will hang down. No one ever sees it. After your post I realized I just need to attach a bottle opener to the board. Dud! Thanks for the idea!

  15. I LOVE this!! It’s super cute, and what a neat idea! I have a screened in porch….now I just need a recipe box! Thanks so much for sharing, I found this on Sweet Inspirations. 🙂

  16. Awesome project! Love it and pinning too!

  17. Hubby needs one of these in his man cave, thanks for sharing it with us at the link party Sadie! Have a great week!

  18. Oh my gosh, I have to make this for my Dad!! He keeps losing his bottle openers, lol! Plus, it’s just awesome! Thanks for sharing with us at Throwback Thursday!


  19. Such a cute idea. I know a lot of beer, soda water & pop drinkers who would love this DIY. Thanks for sharing at the #InspiraitonSpotlight party. Pinned & shared. See you again soon.

  20. Sarah, what a clever idea ~ something you might not know you needed until I saw yours. Now where do I put one? Thanks for sharing at Your Inspired Designs.

  21. This is so awesome! I had a great bottle opener on the deck of my old house. I left it behind when I moved and I miss it! The cap catcher idea is just the best! Thank you for sharing at Family Joy Blog Link-Up Party. Have a great week!

  22. You are seriously one of the coolest people on the planet! Thanks for joining us again at Celebrate Your Story.

  23. A screened in back porch is definitely on my wish list. You new bottle opener is just a fun piece to have on the porch. I have one I got at a thrift store but have never put it up, the porch is the perfect place for it. Love this. Thanks for sharing with us at Merry Monday.

  24. Mary-The Boondocks Blog says

    This is very clever of you Sarah! And this way you can keep all eh bottle tops together and not end up with a mess in the yard. A great repurpose indeed.

  25. This looks good and I bet its super useful! Great job!

    I have chosen to feature this post on the next Peace, Love, Linkup! Come and grab a button and I’ll see you next week! : )

  26. Turning the box upside down and using the lid to empty it is just genius!! Love your bottle opener, my husband would love one too!
    Thanks for sharing with us at Sweet Inspiration party, enjoy the rest of the week!

  27. I love how it catches the tops! Great idea for a party! Thanks for sharing on the Pleasures of the NW’s DIY party

  28. This is so adorb – and functional! Love the idea. I’ve pinned it for future project.

  29. Jessica Gregg says

    Yes, yes, yes OMG yes! You know how there’s always that ONE person that has everything already or the capacity to buy whatever the heck they want or just really hard to buy for? Yeah, THOSE people just got Christmas this year!! Brilliant use of a cast away item…good god, going to get everything NOW! I think I’ll make them assembly line style and 20 of them. Genius, I can’t thank you enough for the idea, inspiration and excellent tutorial and pics. I especially love the picture of your husband demonstrating the ease of use and functionality of this brilliant bottle / cap catcher. Oh boy… I’m getting those creative juices flowing now! Seriously, I’m stoked! Bonus, no more stepping on those darn, sharp bottle caps around the pool area…

  30. Talk about very popular post, wow, took awhile to get to comment box. And you deserve a big gold star and at least couple beers. How smart of you to visualize what you did, gotta love bloggers talents and ingenuity.
    Enjoy rest of week

  31. Could you tell me the measurements of the recipe box sides and top, please?

  32. Love this idea, having the bottom open like this will make cleaning the box easy to.
    only thing i would have don’e different was paint it red or some bright color so my guest will see it better and more likely to use it…lol

  33. A beautiful and awesome, memorable bottle opener. I liked it very much. Thus, it is beautifully designed too.

  34. Kathy A. says

    You are weird in the bestest sense of the word. You see possibilities in what other people might consider junk…I have that for dollhouse accessories scrapcraft but you are teaching us all to see things from a different angle which is so great!


  1. […] With weatherproof chalk paint, rustic-looking flat head screws, and a neat little cap catcher, this bottle opener arrangement is ready for the outdoors. The step by step tutorial is here. […]

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