Once upon a time, sewing thread came wound on wooden spools. Spools of all sizes- thick and thin, tall and squat. And now, those vintage wood spools are found in antique shops and thrift store cookie tins, begging to be crafted with. Thankfully, there are plenty of wooden spool crafts and ideas out there, including these.Read more ›
Cork Crafts: Projects with Tiles, Corkboard, and Fabric

When people think of cork crafts, they automatically think of wine corks. And for good reason, since there are tons of ideas out there for repurposing them. But there are other forms of cork- tiles, cork fabric, corkboards, and coasters- that can also be crafted with.Read more ›
Key Cabinet Makeover with Decorative Metal Sheets

The “wood” section at thrift stores is ALWAYS filled with potential projects, isn’t it? I know exactly where this section is in all of my favorite shops, and make a beeline as soon as I walk through the door. And on this particular day (several years ago), a cute little key cabinet caught my eye.Read more ›
The Mood-Boosting Benefits of Houseplants

It turns out that looks matter when it comes to houseplants. A joint study by the University of Reading and the Royal Horticultural Society (RHS) suggests that houseplants with full, rounded leaves offer the greatest boost to our well-being and mental health wellness.
Projects with Upcycled Clothing

When your clothing gets damaged or you simply outgrow it (all those snacks!), it’s easy just to toss it in the trash or the donation pile. But thrift stores get overburdened with piles of clothing and they definitely don’t want anything with stains or holes. Thankfully, there are lots of ideas for upcycled clothing that extend the life of your fashions while keeping them out of landfills.Read more ›
Thrifty Ideas for DIY Home Decor

Everything is more expensive these days, and yes- that includes thrift stores, too. And while their prices have gone up along with everything else, I still view thrift stores as the best (and most affordable) source for furnishing my home. Perhaps some of these ideas for DIY home decor will inspire you to go thrifting in search of unique and project-worthy decor for your space, too.
Crafting with Antique Hardware

Antique enthusiasts don’t just adore old furniture and home decor. Architectural salvage pulled from historic homes before demolition is also a perennial favorite. From stairs to mantels, tiles, and more, architectural salvage stores are full of unexpected treasures. But some of the most affordable pieces come from their selection of antique hardware. And there are lots of ways to upcycle and repurpose those key plates, doorknobs, and hinges in new and clever ways.Read more ›
Crafts to Make with Embroidery Hoops

Ahh, the embroidery hoop- often associated with cross stitch and other needlepoint crafts. But embroidery hoops have a TON of potential, many of which have nothing to do with a needle and thread. Here are some unique and fabulous upcycles you can make with embroidery hoops to get you inspired.Read more ›
Tin Can Crafts

Soup, beans, coffee- tin cans are a staple in our pantries and ultimately our recycle (or trash) bins. But if you want to save some room in your bins, then set aside those cans for some of these tin can crafts and project ideas.