Outdoor Spring Decorations in a Garden Harvest Basket

Outdoor Spring Decorations in a Garden Harvest Basket

For this month’s Thrift Store Decor Team project, I decided to make some outdoor Spring decorations. Mild weather is settling in nicely around here, and I wanted to celebrate that with a fun and easy project that would bring fresh color to the porch. I found a garden harvest basket at a thrift store and decided that I’d use it to celebrate Spring.

peach basket at a thrift store

Image credit: Sadie Seasongoods.

Upcycling this peach basket would be pretty quick and easy. I just needed a sign stencil, some decorative ribbon, and lots of silk flowers. AND, I could create the entire thing on my back porch on a nice sunny day.

garden harvest basket

Image credit: Sadie Seasongoods.

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Stenciling on a Garden Harvest Basket

First things first, I decided to use a sign stencil from The Stencilsmith to embellish the harvest basket.

stencil for a garden harvest basket

Image credit: Sadie Seasongoods.

I worked with The Stencilsmith to re-size the stencil for the peach basket. I also asked them to remove the top line of text, as well.

Then, I grabbed my typical stenciling supplies: painter’s tape, black craft paint, a paper plate, a rag, and my favorite stencil brushes that come from this shop.

I’d never stenciled on a basket before, but it was now or never!

stencil for outdoor spring decorations

Image credit: Sadie Seasongoods.

It wasn’t the easiest surface to stencil upon (I ended up holding the basket in my lap), but I finished it in short time and hoped for the best!

stenciling a basket

Image credit: Sadie Seasongoods.

And it was perfect! Or, at least, I was perfectly happy with it!

peach basket for celebrating spring

Image credit: Sadie Seasongoods.

But, the stenciling wasn’t enough. My harvest basket turned flower basket needed another cutesy touch before I filled it with Spring flowers.

Outdoor Spring Decorations for My Front Porch


My garden harvest basket needed a strip of ribbon along the top- gingham ribbon, to be more specific. I thought that would be a nice colorful “farmer’s market” or “country fair” touch to the project.

And to make it even more fun, I decided to use stick-on Velcro (or similar brand) along the basket top and ribbon. This way, I can switch out colors depending on the time of year- pastels for Spring, maybe red & white checks for summer, and then a warm orange or brown ribbon for Fall.

decorative ribbon for a garden harvest basket

Image credit: Sadie Seasongoods.

And that was it! Once I had my ribbon in place (and the Velcro stickers worked like a charm), I started filling my peach basket with Spring flowers from the craft store.

Cottonball decided to assist, as per the norm…

filling a basket with spring flowers

Image credit: Sadie Seasongoods.

I filled the harvest basket with two potted flower plants (from Michael’s) and then filled in the gaps with flower stems. I really wanted it to be BURSTING with color.

Cottonball continued to “help” as best he could.

fluffy orange cat

Image credit: Sadie Seasongoods.

When all was said and done and I *finally* stopped tweaking the flowers, this is what I ended up with. A garden harvest basket that was BRIMMING with colorful blooms!

outdoor spring decorations in a peach basket

Image credit: Sadie Seasongoods.

Outdoor Spring Decorations in a Garden Harvest Basket

Bright and colorful, and oh-so-easy to create. What a wonderful way to celebrate spring AND upcycle a garden harvest basket from the thrift store.

outdoor spring decorations

Image credit: Sadie Seasongoods.

They really are a great size and shape to transform into a flower basket and use as outdoor Spring decorations for the front porch! Or Summer, or Fall, etc.

And since I mentioned it was Thrift Store Decor Team time, check out all the “before” projects from my fellow team members! Click on the links below the collage to see what they upcycled them into.

thrift store crafts from bloggers who upcycle

1. How To Make A Sorry Game Board Box

2. Milk Paint Wood Lamp

3. Upcycle Old Books

4. Repurposed Window and Drawer

5. DIY Wreath

6. Recycled Cigar Box

7. Spring Porch Décor in a Harvest Basket (Mine!)

8. Porch Console Table

I couldn’t be happier with how my harvest basket turned out. And I definitely will give stenciling on a basket another try on a future project, too. 

outdoor spring decorations in a garden harvest basket

Image credit: Sadie Seasongoods.

And if you enjoyed this upcycling idea for Spring decor, then you’ll also love this project with vintage milk bottles!

Spring decor with old milk bottles

Image credit: Sadie Seasongoods.

Craft on!


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spring porch decor

Image credit: Sadie Seasongoods.


celebrating spring on the front porch

Image credit: Sadie Seasongoods.

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Sarah Ramberg is the owner of Sadie Seasongoods, a website that celebrates all things secondhand. From upcycling ideas and thrifted decor to vintage-centric travel itineraries, Sadie Seasongoods is a one-stop shop for anyone who loves thrifting and approachable repurposing ideas. Sarah is also the author of “Crafting with Flannel” and has been featured in numerous media outlets and magazines.


  1. Debra A Wise says

    So cute and versatile! Where did you get the stencil from?

  2. Tracie Davis says

    That is one photogenic cat!

  3. You did such a beautiful job creating this! I love the extra touches on the basket with the stenciling and ribbon! Such a cheerful greeting for your entrance way!

  4. Seriously, you have the best cat model!!! Precious pet and adorable porch basket!!!

  5. So pretty, Sarah and smart idea using velcro for the ribbon. Can’t wait to see how you decorate this basket for every season. Gosh Cottonball is so adorable and such a photo bomber like my Rexy was. Must be a tabby thing.

  6. Awww…

    Love your bright and cheery basket. Velcro was a great idea!

  7. Sarah,

    That’s a huge basket, and it looks beautiful with the stenciling and the colorful flowers. I like that it’s sitting on the chair!


  8. Love it… so welcoming on your porch!

  9. This is adorable!!

  10. Charleen Adams says

    Your basket is bright and cheerful. Definitely make me think of spring, which is taking its own sweet time coming to Missouri . keep up you amazing quest for decor.

    • Sadie Seasongoods says

      Thank you, Charleen! And I will keep my southern fingers crossed for you that Spring arrives at your doorstop soon!

  11. Thank you so much for this great idea! My front door does not hold a wreath. This is great.


  1. […] Spring Porch Decor In A Harvest Basket – Sadie Seasongoods […]

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