Fairy Garden Furniture from the Junk Drawer

Fairy Garden Furniture from the Junk Drawer

A reader recently asked (on my Facebook page) if I had ever upcycled a pizza saver. You know, those little plastic pieces that keep a pizza box from caving in on the toppings. And I instantly remembered a VERY old blog post that I had put together in 2014 (but never published) on fairy garden furniture that I made using household junk.

Pizza savers for junk crafts

Why didn’t I ever publish it, you might be wondering? Well…as cute as I thought it had turned out, I was worried that it wasn’t “good enough” for my blog. So, I locked in a vault and forgot about it for nearly seven years.

But when I shared my fairy garden photo of the pizza saver, I was overwhelmed with the response. So, I’m breaking out the old photos and sharing this never-before published post with you today.

Pizza saver as fairy garden furniture

The timing is also particularly good for me. We just said goodbye to our senior cat (Wrigley) who had been us for nearly 18 years. So, I’ve been a little lost these days and feeling terribly uncreative.

So, I REALLY appreciate you humoring me as I finally share this previously unpublished project!

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Craft Supplies from the Junk Drawer

The whole premise of my circa-2014 blog post was that any fairies that lived in my yard were probably on a budget.

And they probably weren’t interested in the fancy fairy garden furniture sold at craft stores.

They would, however, be interested in things like a pizza saver, bottle caps, and soda can tops.

Build a fairy garden with a pizza saver

Perhaps other junk drawer cast-offs, too, like golf tees and marbles.

Crafting with junk for a fairy garden

I mean, we all have a junk drawer (or two) that is filled with random odds and ends, right? Or even “bottom of the purse” bits that could be thrown out, but haven’t been yet.

And finally, I decided that my fairies might want to craft with old jewelry wire and acorn caps, too.

Making a miniature lantern with a glass marble

Household Junk as Fairy Garden Furniture

My plan for the pizza saver was to use it as a table in a bistro set. And I didn’t need to do a thing to it (other than paint, if I opted to).

But what’s a bistro set with out chairs?

So, I broke some bamboo skewers into eight same-length pieces with my heavy duty craft scissors. Then, I hot glued them to the underside of a bottle cap like four legs on a chair.

After that, I hot glued the soda can top to the bottle cap and voila- I had a teeny tiny fairy chair.

Fairy garden chair from a bottle cap

Once I had two chairs, I painted them to match.

Then, I moved onto the acorn cap! I simply hot glued a marble to the underside of the cap, as well as a tiny loop of thread to the top.

Lantern for a homemade fairy garden

This will become a lantern for my fairy garden. You’ll see why in a moment!

Finally, the golf tees and remaining marbles. I hot glued the marbles to the golf tees and used them as path lights to my fairy garden.

Golf tees as light poles in a DIY fairy garden

Along with smooth river rocks for the path. Like a fairy courtyard, more than a garden.

Fairy Garden Furniture from the Junk Drawer

Now, for that lantern! I fashioned a mini shepherd’s hook from the heavy gauge jewelry wire and hung the lantern from it.

Crafting with junk for a homemade fairy garden

And the fairy garden furniture or bistro set I had crafted? The chairs got a spritz of clear topcoat before being placed under our hydrangea.

Fairy garden furniture from the junk drawer

With everything together, the lantern marks the start of the fairy garden path. And the fairy garden path leads to the fairy garden furniture.

Junk crafts for fairy garden furniture

Y’all…why did I keep this blog post locked in the vault for so long? But maybe it ended up being a blessing in disguise.

Because the past year of homebound living has taught me a lot of things. Such as crafting out of necessity from stuff around the house. Like this fairy garden furniture from the junk drawer, even though I had made it so many years earlier.

But now I want to know- will you be crafting some fairy garden furniture from your junk drawer? I’d love to know what you plan to make!

And if you enjoyed these upcycling ideas for a fairy garden set, then you may also be interested in these Spring-inspired mason jars, too!

Vintage glass jars as Spring decor ideas with fairy garden accessories and dollhouse accessories

Craft on!


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Fairy garden furniture by crafting with junk

Mini path lights for a fairy garden

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Sarah Ramberg is the owner of Sadie Seasongoods, a website that celebrates all things secondhand. From upcycling ideas and thrifted decor to vintage-centric travel itineraries, Sadie Seasongoods is a one-stop shop for anyone who loves thrifting and approachable repurposing ideas. Sarah is also the author of “Crafting with Flannel” and has been featured in numerous media outlets and magazines.


  1. What awesome Ideas, Love these !

  2. So cute – you really have the vision!
    So sorry about your little cat. I’m a pet person too and have lost way too many loves over all my years.

  3. Oh wow! This is ansolutely adorable! So glad you dug it out from the vaults!

  4. So cute! What a fun idea. I have several little fairy houses and they would love some furniture. I used to make little chairs out of cinnamon sticks, but haven’t done that in many years. Hang in there. So sorry for your loss, Wrigley crossing the rainbow bridge. He had a very long life and I’m sure it was a happy one too.

    • Sadie Seasongoods says

      Thanks, Carole. He was a peculiar but wonderful cat- and had been with me for 40% of my life! Truly an unfamiliar new normal.

  5. I am very sorry about the loss of your beloved cat. I had to put my cat to sleep 4 months ago and it is hard every day. He was always in my office with me and would sit next to me when I was on the computer. He would quietly and sweetly reach over and tap me on the shoulder so I would give him a pat. I never once saw it coming which was like his little secret. It took l a lot to want to go back in there and work every day. Animals bring such joy and it’s good to hear how much you cared. Bless you. I hope time will give you peace and know we were lucky to have their love.

    On a happy note, I just received notice that your book will be coming soon. Thank you for that as well! Lenore

    • Sadie Seasongoods says

      Oh, Lenore, that just breaks my heart for you! I can only imagine how awful it would be to be in your office without him- I’m so, so terribly sorry. Sending you lots of virtual hugs.

  6. I am so sorry for the loss of your cat, I wish you strength in your grief.

    The acorn capped marble as a lantern is
    Fabulous and I will be making one for my gnome home!

    Thank you!

  7. Elizabeth HugginsThompson says

    This is brilliant! Thank you so much for posting that. It brings back such wonderful memories of making Fairy Houses with my daughter from sticks and bits we would find along the path on our nature walks. Another time, when caring for my nephew one summer, we did the same, except we called them elf houses. 🙂

  8. Hello Sadie,
    So sorry to hear of the passing of your beloved fur-baby. We have four cats (at present) and they are so much a part of our lives.
    Anyway . . . I LOVE the Fairy Garden pieces! What great ideas! I will be using these in my Fairy Garden. Thank you for all your innovative and cheap ideas. Have a great day!

    • Sadie Seasongoods says

      Thank you, Carol- I spent 40% of my life with him, so it’s really an unfamiliar feeling to not have him around. My husband and I are both crazy cat people, so the adjustment is slow-going. And thank you so much, I’m glad I was reminded of this long-forgotten project!

  9. So cute! My daughter used to make the most fabulous fairy gardens and furniture . . . now she’s 15 she wouldn’t be caught dead doing that (so sad:( But I still love it!

  10. Gail Gibson says

    I’m so sorry for your loss. I know how hard it is to say goodbye to an old friend. The miniature garden project is so wonderful. I love miniatures. You have inspired me to get back to my minis.

  11. Rebecca Payne says

    So Creative and Cute.

  12. Goodbye, Wrigley. My heart aches for you.

  13. Absolutely darling!!I have often thought the pizza saver would make a table for a doll house. Those chairs take it over the top. Sorry about your cat,they become a part of the family. My grandson is moving and has to find a home for Toby,his cat. I have a feeling he will become granny s cat. Take care and craft on

    • Sadie Seasongoods says

      Thanks, Charleen- and yes, they truly are family members. I know Toby will be in good hands with you!

  14. Some darn lucky fairies that’s all I can say!! Really fun upcycle.

  15. So sorry for your loss of Wrigley. Losing a beloved fur baby is hard. I hope another kitten will come along in time. My 2 cats are rescues. I like your fairy garden furniture. Several years ago I built a treehouse for my yard sale fairies (Tinkerbelle and company) in the tall rose bush near the front door. I used a CD wooden crate so I didn’t have to bend down to see it. Storebot bistro set (40% coupon) and an ottoman made from a spray can lid covered with a silk sunflower with its petals glued down on the sides. Saved my arthritic knees. Suspended some of the fairies with fish line–reminded people not to get too close to the thorney branches! Golf tees also make good peg legs for dollhouse pirates!

  16. Katterkat says

    Love all the cute pictures. I am making the chairs. I don’t have any Pizza savers so I made a table out of a jar lid and I glued 3 of those wooden clothes pin doll holders together.
    Then glue it to the lid. I also glued a smaller lid to the bottom.
    Thank you for all the miniatures you post on your blogs.

  17. Kellee S Kietzer says

    Where did you get your fairy garden sized shepherds hook?

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