30+ Upcycling Ideas with an Easter Aesthetic

30+ Upcycling Ideas with an Easter Aesthetic

Even though I already have a collection of upcycled Spring ideas as a blog post, I thought it might be fun to put together one that solely focused on an Easter aesthetic. Between bunnies, eggs, baskets, and beyond, there are plenty of Easter-specific repurposed projects that you can make for your home!

My most popular Easter project is definitely this one I did with vintage milk glass. Maybe it’s popular because it’s cute. Or maybe it’s because it only takes a few minutes to “make” and nothing is permanent!

Decorating with hobnail milk glass for Easter

But I’ve done a few others, as well! Such as these Easter bunny “carrots” that I made from vintage bobbins.

Decorative carrots from vintage bobbins

And, a LONG time ago, I decided to create some oversized “Easter eggs” from vintage oval picture frames. I used them as Easter mantel decor and they were just perfect for it!

Upcycling the vintage oval frames into Pysanky eggs for Easter mantel decorations

I mean, they kinda-sorta look like eggs, right? Ok, good, I’m glad you agree with me!

Whether you prefer to upcycle projects with an Easter aesthetic or use vintage Easter decorations at this time of year, there are definitely ideas and abundant inspiration in this collection. Some are mine, but many are from other bloggers- and I hope you enjoy them as much as I do!

vintage deviled egg plate

Upcycling Ideas with an Easter Aesthetic

Well, what do you think? Did you find some inspiration in the collection? I’d love to hear about your favorites and which ones you may recreate at home!

Perhaps something for your Easter mantel? Or perhaps something to hang on your door, like this Easter basket wreath.

easter door decorations with an easter basket wreath

I always look forward to decorating for Easter (and Spring, in general) because of the infusion of fresh color after Christmas and winter. The shades of Easter decor echo the buds of color outside at this time of year, and it’s just a lovely way to welcome the warmer months.

ribbon weaving a wicker easter basket

I hope you’ve found all kinds of inspiration for your next Easter craft project idea! And I hope you’ll share with me which one(s) you plan to try!

Have gardening on the brain as well as Easter? Then this tabletop greenhouse that I made for starting seeds might be of interest to you, as well!

tabletop greenhouse from a floppy disk holder

Happy Easter and Craft On!


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repurpose projects for easter aesthetic

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Sarah Ramberg is the owner of Sadie Seasongoods, a website that celebrates all things secondhand. From upcycling ideas and thrifted decor to vintage-centric travel itineraries, Sadie Seasongoods is a one-stop shop for anyone who loves thrifting and approachable repurposing ideas. Sarah is also the author of “Crafting with Flannel” and has been featured in numerous media outlets and magazines.

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