150+ Creative DIY Christmas Gifts

150+ Creative DIY Christmas Gifts

This year has been a doozy, hasn’t it? And here we are, kicking off a holiday season like no other before it. If you’re like me, then the idea of gift shopping is less desirable than years past. And while I still plan on shopping at smaller, local shops (and Etsy), this may be the Year of the Handmade Gift. So, the Thrift Store Decor Team gathered some of our best creative DIY Christmas gifts in case you were looking for inspiration.

And while some of them may, at first, feel less gift-y and more project-y, I’ve also learned that those closest to us really enjoy the unexpected DIY gift! 

For instance, I made this teapot sewing caddy for myself out of desperation. But after I published the post several years ago, people excitedly told me that they’d be making them as gifts!

diy pin cushion in a vintage teapot

And while there will be fewer parties this year (or none at all), I feel like random gifts of kindness are needed more than ever. Simple gifts that you can leave on a neighbor’s porch or tuck in a friend’s mailbox.

Such as these flannel hand warmers that you can make in large quantities for lots of friends, family, neighbors, and co-workers.

DIY hand warmers

But either way, before we dive into the FULL collection of ideas, I’d love to share some of my favorite creative DIY gift ideas from the Thrift Store Decor Team!

wildflower seed bombs for Earth Day

Either way, I hope you find some amazing DIY inspiration here for  your own creative gifts. ESPECIALLY given the shipping woes that a lot of big box retailers are facing this year.

boho bookends as botanical home decor

Handmade Gift Ideas

I’m fairly certain that spa-inspired or stress relief type gifts will be SUPER popular this year. There’s been so much worry and angst, no matter where you live or your political persuasion. So, this DIY lavender foot soak just sounds heavenly.

You could even sanitize jars from your recycling bin to keep it even thriftier!

DIY Lavender foot soak for a handmade Christmas gift

Since my love of Hudson Bay blankets is well-documented, I fell in love with these DIY wood coasters

And keep your eye out for a new Hudson Bay blanket-inspired project coming to my blog VERY soon!

This stuffed mug gift idea from Petticoat Junktion really pulled at my heartstrings. She made a couple dozen of these as nursing home staff gifts, which just warmed my spirit.

Nursing home staff gift idea

When you need a small token gift during the holiday season, you can’t go wrong with a DIY Christmas ornament! And this rustic snowflake ornament uses some simple embroidery that I personally love to do in front of the TV on a chilly winter day.

DIY rustic Christmas ornament

Mmm, more spa giftiness! I absolutely love lemon and peppermint scents, so combining the two into an exfoliating scrub? Definitely the kind of gift I’d love to receive!

Lemon and peppermint exfoliating scrub

And for a special someone who is always cooking or baking from a recipe on his or her iPad or tablet? This super simple DIY tablet holder is the PERFECT handmade gift for them.

DIY tablet stand or iPad holder

Well, shall we dive into the full collection of creative DIY Christmas gifts? There is a LOT of inspiration here with SO much potential, so let’s go!

150+ Creative DIY Christmas Gifts

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There are SO MANY creative DIY Christmas gifts in this collection that I would personally love to receive. But I honestly prefer to give than to get at this stage in my life.

Of course, I may just make a few of these FOR myself, which is the best of both worlds, right?

upcycling jewelry as wine glass charms

Perhaps the greatest part about this collection is that it’s not just for Christmas. You can refer to it all year long- for birthdays, anniversaries, thank-you gifts, Mother’s & Father’s Day, etc.

Cloisonne vase for thrift home decor

Either way, I hope our collection alleviates some gift-buying stress for you this year. We have enough of that in our lives right now without the pressure to find the perfect thing to put under the tree!

vintage brass as a boho candle holder

Don’t forget, there’s also an entire chapter dedicated to DIY gifts in my book, “Crafting with Flannel”, too!

diy gift ideas from crafting with flannel

DIY- especially upcycling from thrifted finds!- might be the secret to all of your Christmas “shopping” this year…

outdoor serving tray with boho summer style

Happy Holidays from the entire Thrift Store Decor Team:

Sadie Seasongoods

Petticoat Junktion

House of Hawthornes

Domestically Speaking

My Uncommon Slice of Suburbia

Our Southern Home

My Repurposed Life

Craft on!


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Handmade gift ideas and creative DIY Christmas Gifts

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Sarah Ramberg is the owner of Sadie Seasongoods, a website that celebrates all things secondhand. From upcycling ideas and thrifted decor to vintage-centric travel itineraries, Sadie Seasongoods is a one-stop shop for anyone who loves thrifting and approachable repurposing ideas. Sarah is also the author of “Crafting with Flannel” and has been featured in numerous media outlets and magazines.


  1. Rebecca Payne says

    Thank you so much for sharing these great ideas.

  2. I want to tell you how much I completely appreciate all of your posts this year. You have been inspiring and motivating during these quiet and isolated months. I especially remember your post about how you missed being able to frequent thrift stores and how you resorted to poking around your garage. You came up with some really fun decorations.
    Treasure hunting at thrift store and garage sales is a passion of mine. While most stores have opened here in my area in Florida, there is quite the decrease in items on the shelf. And Yard Sales are non-existant now. 🙁 (Big frowny face here.) I don’t have a garage of supplies, but you have inspired me to think outside the box and use my sewing and painting skills in other ways. I have an arsenal of fabric that I should put to use for Christmas presents. I’m scouring the blog for ideas. 🙂

    Thank you for all that you do and keep up the good work.
    I am thankful for you!

    • Sadie Seasongoods says

      Thank you so, so much, Liz, for taking the time to write this. It’s just been such a hard year for everyone- worse for some than others, of course. Keeping extra busy on blog projects has been good for my soul- cathartic, even- and my hope was that it helped others feel less alone, as well. Sending you a virtual hug!

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