As you may remember, I have a particular fondness for the Appalachians in the fall. When the leaves on the trees wash the mountains in a perpetual sunset and “Nature’s glitter” swirls and twirls behind the car as we zoom by. This time around, we didn’t go too far from home and explored towns along Interstate 40 just east of Asheville, focusing on Black Mountain, NC and Marion, NC. Read more ›
The Best Antiques, Vintage, Architectural Salvage, and Thrift Stores in Chattanooga, TN

Time again for another one of my junkin’ road trips, and this time I decided to do some shopping in Chattanooga, TN. And of course, the type of shopping I’m interested in is antiques, vintage, architectural salvage, and thrift stores in Chattanooga, and I’ve gathered up my favorites to share with you!
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Antiques and Thrift Stores in Boone, NC

As soon as the first inkling of Fall hits- be it a nip in the air, the faintest color on leaves, or pumpkin ANYTHING- we get a hankering for a road trip into the mountains. Autumn and mountain life just seem to go hand-in-hand. And since it’s September, it seemed natural for us to pack up the truck in search of vistas and vintage. This time around, we decided to go to Boone, NC, a place we’ve been before but never fully explored, in search of the best antique stores and thrift stores.Read more ›
Shopping in Augusta, GA: Best Antiques, Vintage, and Thrift Stores

When you think of Augusta, GA, chances are visions of golf, azaleas, and green jackets come to mind, thanks to The Masters tournament. But I’m here to tell you that you don’t have to be a golfer to enjoy Augusta…or its sister-from-across-the-river city, North Augusta (which is in South Carolina). Golf aside, let’s talk about shopping in Augusta, GA. Specifically…the best antiques, vintage, architectural salvage, and thrift stores in Augusta and North Augusta.Read more ›
Antiquing and Thrifting in Louisville, KY

When you think of Louisville, KY, the first things that probably come to mind are Churchill Downs, bourbon, and baseball bats. Thankfully, though, that’s only scratching the surface of this sweet city!
Antiques and Thrift Stores in Athens, GA

If you’re not familiar with Athens, Georgia, then you probably don’t follow college football (University of Georgia is located in Athens). Music fans know of Athens thanks to hometown bands such as the B-52s and R.E.M, but I’m here to talk to you about secondhand shopping in there. Specifically, the best antiques, vintage, architectural salvage, and thrift stores in Athens, GA!Read more ›
Shotgun!: Brevard, North Carolina (A Junkin’ Journey)
*** Please note that this post on Brevard, NC has not been updated since early 2016. I had planned on updating it in 2020-2021, but as we all know, those years changed on a dime! So, please check back later for a freshly updated post. ***
I love to sit down, study the map, and figure out where I want to head to next for my latest junkin’ journey. For obvious reasons (money, time…), I tend to stick relatively close to home- with the occasional longer sojourn to further-away stops. But for right now, I decided to head back into western North Carolina.
What can I say? I’m a sucker for a mountain town.
So we headed up the mountain- literally- to Brevard, North Carolina. Home of the White Squirrel Festival, Brevard is a charming little town with an equally charming Main Street. And I’m happy to report, several charming little shops to explore…shall we?Read more ›
Antiquing and Thrifting in Knoxville, TN

I don’t know about you, but I love to visit college towns. They are perpetually injected with youth and the funky vibe that comes from college coeds. And as all things “vintage” become trendier, college towns are really turning into hotbeds of places to thrift for cool, unusual, or wonderfully seasoned secondhand pieces. So, revisiting Knoxville, TN moved to the top of my junkin’ journey list!Read more ›
Shotgun!: Atlanta, Georgia (Part 1)
*** Please note that this post on Atlanta, GA has not been updated since 2015. I had planned on updating it in 2020, but as we all know, 2020 hasn’t gone as planned! So, please check back in 2021 for a freshly updated post. ***
If I haven’t mentioned it before, my husband’s favorite past time is sword fighting- with the long sword, to be precise. He studies historical European martial arts with various groups in the Carolinas as well as Eastern martial arts at a local dojo. When he had an opportunity to train with a sword fighting studio in Atlanta, Georgia, we decided to turn it into a long weekend…which meant I could go junkin’!
Truth be told, a city as large as Atlanta offers COUNTLESS options for antiques, vintage, and thrift stores…so this post will just have to count as “Part 1” in a series…because with Atlanta not all that far from me, you can be sure that I’ll be returning many more times…for many more blog posts.
Let’s get started- here are the places I hit this time around!Read more ›
Junkin’ Journey: Savannah, Georgia
*** Please note that this post on Savannah, GA has not been updated since 2014. It will be updated soon with additional thrift stores and antiques stores. Thank you! ***
We all know how much I love Greenville…I’ve posted about it here on Sadie Seasongoods…I’ve blogged about it here on Visit Greenville, SC…and I’m a walking advertisement everywhere I go. But I’ve also had a lengthy love affair with Savannah, Georgia. I’ve traveled there for years, accumulating a list of favorite haunts…including a list of favorite junk shops. There are plenty of highfalutin boutiques and manicured antiques dealers in Savannah- if that’s your flavor.
But for me? These shops- both thrift and antiques- are quirkier, more affordable, and serve as wonderful muses for projects and ideas. So, keep this list handy next time you head to Savannah and maybe, just maybe, I’ll see you there.Read more ›