Best Upcycling Ideas and Repurposing Projects by Sadie Seasongoods

Easy Sewing Projects with an Upcycled Twist

Easy Sewing Projects with an Upcycled Twist

Thrift stores, yard sales, and even your own closets are filled with any number of fabric sources. From old clothes to table linens and everything in between, these secondhand materials are absolutely perfect for any number of easy sewing projects. Not only are they inexpensive fabrics, but if they’re blemished in some way, then they’re ripe for repurposing with a little bit of sewing magic. Here are some great sewing projects that are simple, approachable, and perfect for a beginner.Read more ›

Fall Craft Ideas from the Thrift Store

Fall Craft Ideas from the Thrift Store

It’s that time of year again- all things Fall have entered the stores, our coffees, and (hopefully) the cooling air around us. Which means that everything at the thrift store starts looking like pumpkins and leaves, and all sorts of Fall craft ideas begin to take shape. So, if you’ve been looking for some upcycling inspiration with an autumnal spin, you’ve definitely come to the right place.Read more ›

Fall Pumpkins to Upcycle

Fall Pumpkins to Upcycle

Pumpkins are the quintessential symbol of fall and one of my favorite elements to decorate with. But I also live in the South, which means pumpkins put out too early can rot away in the heat. So, upcycling ideas for fall pumpkins like these are a great way to decorate, regardless of how warm it still is outside.Read more ›

Tabletop Bookshelf from a Paper Towel Holder

Tabletop Bookshelf from a Paper Towel Holder

When I first spotted this paper towel holder at Habitat ReStore, I didn’t know that’s what it was at first. It sat on the shelf upside-down, missing the center rod. So, I assumed it was some sort of tabletop bookshelf or a pair of fixed bookends.Read more ›

Repurposing Ideas for Fall Decor

Repurposing Ideas for Fall Decor

Pumpkins and acorns and fall leaves- Oh, My! It’s that time of year again when stores stock their shelves with Fall decor and pumpkin spice makes its triumphant return. But here’s the thing- some of the best Fall decor starts at a thrift store first and gets transformed into something amazing.Read more ›

Gardening Shortcuts for Beginners

Gardening Shortcuts for Beginners

Warmer weather is here, and it’s time to get outside and take full advantage of these beautiful sunny days. For many people, that means spending time cultivating a vegetable patch or flower bed. If you’ve never tried gardening before but would like to try it this year, here are some of the best easy tricks to put you on the fast track to garden success.Read more ›

Key Cabinet Makeover with Decorative Metal Sheets

Key Cabinet Makeover with Decorative Metal Sheets

The “wood” section at thrift stores is ALWAYS filled with potential projects, isn’t it? I know exactly where this section is in all of my favorite shops, and make a beeline as soon as I walk through the door. And on this particular day (several years ago), a cute little key cabinet caught my eye.Read more ›

The Mood-Boosting Benefits of Houseplants

The Mood-Boosting Benefits of Houseplants

It turns out that looks matter when it comes to houseplants. A joint study by the University of Reading and the Royal Horticultural Society (RHS) suggests that houseplants with full, rounded leaves offer the greatest boost to our well-being and mental health wellness.

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Thrifty Ideas for DIY Home Decor

Thrifty Ideas for DIY Home Decor

Everything is more expensive these days, and yes- that includes thrift stores, too. And while their prices have gone up along with everything else, I still view thrift stores as the best (and most affordable) source for furnishing my home. Perhaps some of these ideas for DIY home decor will inspire you to go thrifting in search of unique and project-worthy decor for your space, too.

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Amplify Your Outdoor Living Space with These Garden Décor Ideas

Amplify Your Outdoor Living Space with These Garden Décor Ideas

We decorate our homes with curated collections of furniture, art, fabrics, and ornamental objects. Why not also approach our yards and gardens the same way by incorporating some garden décor ideas that add personality, character, and charm?Read more ›