Wooden Cactus Decor from Post Caps

Wooden Cactus Decor from Post Caps

On my recent Junkin’ Journey trip to Charlotte, NC, I swung by a Habitat Restore and spotted a bin filled with post caps for fences and decks. I studied them for a bit as I mulled an idea around in my head. Could I upcycle them into wooden cactus decor?

Post caps or wood finials at Habitat Restore for upcycling ideas

Image credit: Sadie Seasongoods.

You might be wondering *why* I needed to make some fake cactus and the answer is simple. I was still wrapping up my Thrift the Look: Boho Decor post at the time, and was in desperate need for some artificial plants.

Thrift shopping for Boho decor

Image credit: Sadie Seasongoods.

Specifically, I needed some faux cactus plants, and those post caps at Habitat ReStore sparked an idea to life in my mind. And since the wooden finials were cheap, it was worth the DIY risk. 

Wood finials or post caps to be upcycled into cactus decor

Image credit: Sadie Seasongoods.

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Upcycling the Post Caps as DIY Cactus Decor

The first step in my upcycling experiment was to paint the post caps. I didn’t want to be able to see wood grain through my cactus green paint, so I needed to start with primer. LOTS and lots of primer.

I made make-shift stands by scoring the tops of small cardboard boxes, sticking the bolt end through the score, and began to primer the deck post caps.

Spray primer on the post caps and wood finials before painting

Image credit: Sadie Seasongoods.

Pro tip: I should have sanded these down first with a fine-grit sandpaper to help close the grain. But I was short on time with non-rainy weather, so I simply had to start adding primer right away.

Many coats later (it dries fast), I began to paint them with regular old latex paint.

I ended up using two different greens – one more Kelly green, and one more olive green.

Image credit: Sadie Seasongoods.

Once the faux cactus were sufficiently green, I needed to add “spines”. I used fine and very fine tip paint pens to add little spike marks all over the wooden cactus decor.

I have next to zero talent when it comes to free hand drawing, but I was satisfied enough!

Post caps as cactus decor or faux cactus with a paint pen for spines

Image credit: Sadie Seasongoods.

Finishing Touches on Wooden Cactus Decor

To pot my faux cactus, I stuck the bolts through floral foam, placed them in terracotta flower pots, and used hot glue to set the foam inside the pots.

I filled in the gaps with shredded paper from our shredder before topping them with dried beans.

Boho plants and faux cactus in terracotta pots for cactus room decor

Image credit: Sadie Seasongoods.

Sure, I could have used rocks/pebbles, but dried beans are a lot cheaper and I already had them in my pantry!

And look at them now! I have little Boho plants with faux cactus. But you know what?

They needed something else…something to really make them pop.

Wooden cactus for plant decor

Image credit: Sadie Seasongoods.

Bright cactus flowers! That’s exactly what they needed.

I still had the artificial flowers I had used in my terracotta spray paint project, so I harvested some of the blossoms to use on my cactus decor. Then, I simply attached them to the top of each faux cactus with my hot glue gun.

attaching the fake cactus flowers with hot glue

Image credit: Sadie Seasongoods.

There…isn’t that the cherry on top? Well, not literally, but you know what I mean!

Adding flowers to DIY cactus decor

Image credit: Sadie Seasongoods.

Wooden Cactus Decor from Post Caps

Perfect wooden cactus decor to use in my Boho decor blog post! Would you ever have guessed that they were made by upcycling those post caps?

Fake cactus plants from post caps

Image credit: Sadie Seasongoods.

I *know* they don’t truly replace the real thing, but they’re awfully cute and a cinch to maintain.

Besides, real cactus plants are a no-go in our house with such a curious cat as Cottonball. So, faux cactus is the only way to go!

Cactus room decor

Image credit: Sadie Seasongoods.

Don’t be surprised if you see these pop up in my photos from time to time! They’re too cute not to keep around.

Wooden cactus decor

Image credit: Sadie Seasongoods.

I just LOVE how these faux cactus plants turned out. Guess you could say I love fake plants in general, because check out the felt succulents I recently created!

Felt succulents

Image credit: Sadie Seasongoods.

Interested in even more upcycling ideas for Boho Decor? Check out this collection of ideas for modern Bohemian decor!

Bohemian style decor and upcycling projects for boho decor on a budget

Craft on!


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Upcycling wooden post caps as DIY cactus decor

Image credit: Sadie Seasongoods.


Post caps as cactus room decor

Image credit: Sadie Seasongoods.

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Sarah Ramberg is the owner of Sadie Seasongoods, a website that celebrates all things secondhand. From upcycling ideas and thrifted decor to vintage-centric travel itineraries, Sadie Seasongoods is a one-stop shop for anyone who loves thrifting and approachable repurposing ideas. Sarah is also the author of “Crafting with Flannel” and has been featured in numerous media outlets and magazines.


  1. Cute, cute, cute!! You are so creative. How do you think of this stuff? I would have stood in front of the bins of post caps and said “Well, don’t need these” and moved on. The little flowers on the top of the cacti really made it look good. Thanks for your great ideas!! kg.

    • Sadie Seasongoods says

      Thanks, Kathy! I wish I had a good answer for you…the best I can do is say that I have a kooky mind, LOL! 🙂

  2. Sheryl Danner says

    Brilliant! I’ll never again look at a fence post cap in the same way?

  3. I saw them in your boho post but didn’t SEE them individually for how creative and adorable they truly are! Only you would see cacti in a pile of fence post caps, Sarah 🙂 You hit the fence post motherlode!

    • Sadie Seasongoods says

      I stood and stared at that damn bin, wheels turning, for a while!! I was going to buy some no matter what, LOL.

  4. Love them! What a great idea! Thank you, so much, for taking the time to show us step by step, how you made them.

  5. When you mentioned Cottonball, I had to smile. The late (and lamented) Fluffernutter used to jump from the toilet seat to the bathroom greenhouse window, tip over the bunny-eared cactus, probably get mad caz he got thorned, then pee in the dirt. NOT a good scenario; learned to keep the cafe curtains closed and windowsill barricaded! Those are the tiny fuzzy “thorns” that I can only get out 3 days later after they have festered (WHY do I keep that plant? Oh, yeah, it’s one of the few that I haven’t killed.). I like your faux cactus a lot. I thought the flowers were made of ribbon till you showed a closeup. No thorns, always in bloom, no care–win, win, win! I would use Dollar Tree gravel; I have had mice (with 2 cats!) find food that I have used in craft projects–another not good scenario!

  6. Gilmer Gal says

    I love these! Can’t wait to make some. Thanks for posting!!!

  7. Cute cute cute! Breaking my heart….99 cents each…..OMG

  8. These are the most adorable things I’ve ever seen, I must make some… and it’s not like I need more fake cactus plants!

    • Sadie Seasongoods says

      Hahaha!!! I definitely want to find more, or smaller finials to make a few daintier versions! #addictive

  9. You always have such clever ideas, this is especially cute. I did notice them in your Boho posting the other day, had NO idea what you used for the project. A+ creativity!

  10. I can’t even stand how cute those are! Great creative idea!

    • Sadie Seasongoods says

      Thank you, Kristie!!! I really appreciate that since it might be one of my craziest ideas yet! LOL

  11. These are awesome, Sarah! Perfect for your Boho look!

  12. This is such a cool and clever upcycle. Your cacti are adorable.

  13. Brilliant!

  14. So glad I came across your blog! I LOVE your ideas! I’m also glad there’s someone else out there that loves to thrift as much as I do. And that you’re from Charlotte makes it even better and closer to home. I’m in High Point! Keep up with your great ideas!! I am thoroughly enjoying all of them!💕

    • Sadie Seasongoods says

      Thank you so very much, Jana- and welcome! Am I missing any great thrifting in High Point? I’ve done Junkin’ travel blog posts on Durham, Greensboro, and Winston, as well if you’re interested in those!


  1. […] If you look closely, there’s another Boho upcycling project lurking in my photos…and you can check it out here! […]

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